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Round Up 

Donation Program




The Silver City Food Co-op offers a community donation program called the Round Up

Program where customers can round their purchases up to the next dollar amount and donate that amount to a local non-profit.


This simple, yet powerful, community giving program allows customers to "Round Up" their grocery bill for a recipient organization that shares our commitment to a healthy community. A calendar of rotating monthly recipients is established annually. One organization is selected for each month and all donations made during that month go to them. It is required that each organization applying for Round Up donations be a 501c3.

The Silver City Food Co-op is proud of our cashiers who make this program work so that we can
give back to our community. We are also very grateful for our members and other customers who give back so generously to our community.


 The Silver City Food Co-op follows the seven cooperative principles including Concern for Community and we strive to connect in meaningful ways to our community.







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