Success Story of a Little Food Co-op in Southwest New Mexico (The Silver City Food Co-op History) by

520 N. Bullard Street Silver City, N.M. 88061 575-388-2343 Open Mon thru Sat 9am- 7pm * Sun 11am - 5pm
About Our Co-op
History of the Co-op
The Silver City Food Co-op originated in 1974 and some of the founding members are still active in the Co-op today. In the late
1980’s, the Co-op moved the store to its current location and
bought the building a few years later. Over the years, the store has
been remodeled several times to meet our growing needs.
Click here to read a complete history of our Co-op.
Learn More About Our Co-op!
How to Become a Member
Co-op Brochures
Membership Brochure
Made in New Mexico
Co-op Basics Program
Yes! I want to Eat locally Grown Foods!

The Silver City Food Co-op is a member of a group of co-ops called National Cooperative Grocers (NCG). NCG provides resources to co-ops as well as empowering small co-ops with greater purchasing power resulting in great deals for you-
the Co-op shopper!
Visit the NCG website (strongertogether.coop)
for a wealth of information about co-ops, recipes and more!
To promote the inherently healthy relationship between food, community and nature.